- Should I Follow My Instincts? 成功真的要靠直觉吗?
- Did I follow my outline? Did I miss anything? 我的思路有紧紧跟随我的大纲吗?我错过任何事吗?
- I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path. 当我踏上道途,我被丰富地供给所需的一切。
- Clayton: This is your fault. I should have followed my instincts and set traps for the beasts. 这都是你的错。按我直觉去办,就早捉到野兽了。
- I follow my heart and instinct, and I am always ready to showcase myself on the top level. 我是感性的人,而且我总是准备在最高水平的舞台上去表现自己。
- In the end I followed my vision. 最后,我决定实现自己的计划。
- I followed my father to church prayer meetings every morning when I was child. 我小的时候,每天早上跟着父亲去参加教堂的祷告会。
- Using my instincts, I followed up on a request from a regular customer who ended up purchasing more neckties when my sister tended to him. 通过我的直觉,我满足了一位只有在我姐姐来售卖时他才会多买领带的顾客的需求。通过我的直觉。
- I followed my teacher's recommendations and bought the book by Chaucer. 我听了老师的建议,买了一本乔叟的书。
- Should I sign my name in pencil or ink? 我用铅笔还是用钢笔签字?
- The first problem to face in the selection is naturally: which criterions should I follow? 在挑选保姆前,妳将面对的第一个问题是”好保姆的标准为何?
- I follow the dictates of my conscience. 我按良心办事。
- Who should I see about my schedule? 关於我的日程该和谁商讨?
- I relied on my instincts to pull me through. 我全靠本能闯了过来。
- I follow my bright yellow suspect to the city zoo where he spends the next hour taunting the spider monkeys. 我跟着这位黄色嫌疑人,一直来到了城里的动物园,接下来的一个小时,他就在那里耍蜘蛛猴玩。
- I follow my inner voice, And go my way bravely. I live on my own accord, Not for other's opinions, Even if he is an authority. 听从内在的声音,勇敢走自己的路。我只为自己而活,并非别人的评价,哪怕他是个权威!
- Koenig: my instinct, i will let him to fight me. 使用我的本能, 我会让他来找我。
- What procedure should I follow? 我该办什么手续?
- Should I go this way, or that way? 我应从这边走,还是从那边走?
- Should I follow a special diet? 我需要遵循特定的饮食吗?